Invest in or lease office property, and create environments that attract tenants, employees, or buyers.
Featured services
Transaction management
Ein erfolgreicher Verkauf braucht wirksame Zielgruppenansprache. JLL bietet einen professionellen A–Z-Service bei der Strukturierung, Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Transaktionen in allen Immobiliensegmenten ab rund CHF 10 Mio. Transaktionsvolumen.
Wir bewerten Immobilien anhand neuester finanzanalytischer Methoden und mithilfe modernster Infrastrukturen und Tools. JLL ist ein globaler Marktführer im Bereich der Bewertungsdienstleistungen und zählt auch in der Schweiz zu den grössten und erfahrensten Immobilienbewertern.
Win and obtain the loyalty of a mix of lessees that is both balanced and reliable, and thus ensure maximum occupation in the long term. We guide you during the negotiation of leasing terms and conditions, and secure the greatest possible return.
Tenant representation
JLL represents tenants at all stages of the rental agreement management process for commercial premises. Our specialist services range from initial “stay or go” analysis to competitive location searches and lease extensions to negotiation of early surrenders.
Project management
Create innovative solutions in respect of building surveying, project management and cost management for interior fit-out projects. Our trusted team of experts advise clients on the construction, renovation and maintenance of their properties.
Research & advisory
Detailed knowledge of the property markets and the factors that affect them is vital in achieving successful outcomes. JLL Research offers a broad range of data, analysis and strategy to support real estate decision-making processes throughout Switzerland and beyond.
Talk to us about your office space
Find a new office, transform your existing one, or discuss your investment strategy.